Source code for cloudreg.scripts.run_registration_ec2

# local imports
from .util import start_ec2_instance, run_command_on_server
from .visualization import (
from .registration import get_affine_matrix

import argparse
import boto3

# python_path = "~/colm_pipeline_env/bin/python3"
python_path = "python3"

[docs]def run_registration( ssh_key_path, instance_id, instance_type, input_s3_path, atlas_s3_path, parcellation_s3_path, atlas_orientation, output_s3_path, log_s3_path, initial_translation, initial_rotation, orientation, fixed_scale, missing_data_correction, grid_correction, bias_correction, sigma_regularization, num_iterations, registration_resolution ): """Run EM-LDDMM registration on an AWS EC2 instance Args: ssh_key_path (str): Local path to ssh key for this server instance_id (str): ID of EC2 instance to use instance_type (str): AWS EC2 instance type. Recommended is r5.8xlarge input_s3_path (str): S3 path to precomputed data to be registered atlas_s3_path (str): S3 path to atlas data to register to parcellation_s3_path (str): S3 path to corresponding atlas parcellations output_s3_path (str): S3 path to store precomputed volume of atlas transformed to input data log_s3_path (str): S3 path to store intermediates at initial_translation (list of float): Initial translations in x,y,z of input data initial_rotation (list): Initial rotation in x,y,z for input data orientation (str): 3-letter orientation of input data fixed_scale (float): Isotropic scale factor on input data missing_data_correction (bool): Perform missing data correction to ignore zeros in image grid_correction (bool): Perform grid correction (for COLM data) bias_correction (bool): Perform illumination correction sigma_regularization (float): Regularization constat in cost function. Higher regularization constant means less regularization num_iterations (int): Number of iterations of EM-LDDMM to run registration_resolution (int): Minimum resolution at which the registration is run. """ # this is the initialization for registration atlas_affine_initialization = get_affine_matrix( initial_translation, initial_rotation, atlas_orientation, orientation, fixed_scale, atlas_s3_path, center=True, ) target_affine = get_affine_matrix( [0] * 3, [0] * 3, orientation, orientation, 1.0, input_s3_path, center=True ) # get viz link from input link viz_link = create_viz_link( [input_s3_path, atlas_s3_path], affine_matrices=[target_affine, atlas_affine_initialization], ) # ask user if this initialization looks right user_input = "" while user_input == "": user_input = input(f"Does this initialization look right? {viz_link} (y/n): ") # if no quit and ask for another initialization if user_input == "n": raise (Exception("Please rerun with new initialization")) # else continue # start ec2 instance public_ip_address = start_ec2_instance(instance_id, instance_type) # now run command on instance # update the code on the instance update_command = "cd ~/CloudReg; git pull;" _ = run_command_on_server(update_command, ssh_key_path, public_ip_address) # matlab registration command fixed_scale_string = ' '.join([f'{i}' for i in fixed_scale]) print(fixed_scale_string) command2 = f"cd ~/CloudReg; time {python_path} -m cloudreg.scripts.registration -input_s3_path {input_s3_path} --output_s3_path {output_s3_path} --atlas_s3_path {atlas_s3_path} --parcellation_s3_path {parcellation_s3_path} --atlas_orientation {atlas_orientation} -orientation {orientation} --rotation {' '.join(map(str,initial_rotation))} --translation {' '.join(map(str,initial_translation))} --fixed_scale {fixed_scale_string} -log_s3_path {log_s3_path} --missing_data_correction {missing_data_correction} --grid_correction {grid_correction} --bias_correction {bias_correction} --regularization {sigma_regularization} --iterations {num_iterations} --registration_resolution {registration_resolution}" print(command2) errors2 = run_command_on_server(command2, ssh_key_path, public_ip_address) print(f"errors: {errors2}") # shut down instance ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2") ec2.meta.client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( "Run COLM pipeline on remote EC2 instance with given input parameters" ) # instance params parser.add_argument( "-ssh_key_path", help="path to identity file used to ssh into given instance" ) parser.add_argument( "-instance_id", help="EC2 Instance ID of instance to run COLM pipeline on." ) parser.add_argument( "--instance_type", help="EC2 instance type to run registration on. Default is r5.8xlarge", type=str, default="r5.12xlarge", ) # data params parser.add_argument( "-input_s3_path", help="S3 path to precomputed volume used to register the data", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-output_s3_path", help="S3 path to store precomputed volume. Precomputed volumes for each channel will be stored under this path. Should be of the form s3://<bucket>/<path_to_precomputed>. The data will be saved at s3://<bucket>/<path_to_precomputed>/CHN0<channel>", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-log_s3_path", help="S3 path at which registration outputs are stored.", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "--atlas_s3_path", help="S3 path to atlas we want to register to. Should be of the form s3://<bucket>/<path_to_precomputed>. Default is Allen Reference atlas path", type=str, default=ara_average_data_link(50), ) parser.add_argument( "--parcellation_s3_path", help="S3 path to corresponding atlas parcellations. If atlas path is provided, this should also be provided. Should be of the form s3://<bucket>/<path_to_precomputed>. Default is Allen Reference atlas parcellations path", type=str, default=ara_annotation_data_link(10), ) parser.add_argument( "--atlas_orientation", help="3-letter orientation of data. i.e. LPS", type=str, default='PIR' ) # affine initialization parser.add_argument( "-orientation", help="3-letter orientation of data. i.e. LPS", type=str ) parser.add_argument( "--fixed_scale", help="Fixed scale of data, uniform in all dimensions. Default is 1.", nargs='+', type=float, default=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) parser.add_argument( "--xy", help="Rotation in XY plane in degrees. Default is 0.", type=float, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--xz", help="Rotation in XZ plane in degrees. Default is 0.", type=float, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--yz", help="Rotation in YZ plane in degrees. Default is 0.", type=float, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--x", help="Translation in X axis in microns. Default is 0.", type=float, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--y", help="Translation in Y axis in microns. Default is 0.", type=float, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--z", help="Translation in Z axis in microns. Default is 0.", type=float, default=0, ) # registration preprocessing params parser.add_argument( "--missing_data_correction", help="Perform missing data correction by ignoring 0 values in image prior to registration.", type=bool, default=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--grid_correction", help="Perform correction for low-intensity grid artifact (COLM data)", type=bool, default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--bias_correction", help="Perform bias correction prior to registration.", type=bool, default=True, ) # registration params parser.add_argument( "--regularization", help="Weight of the regularization. Bigger value means less regularization. Default is 10000", type=float, default=5e3, ) parser.add_argument( "--iterations", help="Number of iterations to do at low resolution. Default is 5000.", type=int, default=3000, ) parser.add_argument( "--registration_resolution", help="Minimum resolution that the registration is run at (in microns). Default is 100.", type=int, default=100, ) args = parser.parse_args() run_registration( args.ssh_key_path, args.instance_id, args.instance_type, args.input_s3_path, args.atlas_s3_path, args.parcellation_s3_path, args.atlas_orientation, args.output_s3_path, args.log_s3_path, [args.x, args.y, args.z], [args.yz, args.xz, args.xy], args.orientation, args.fixed_scale, args.missing_data_correction, args.grid_correction, args.bias_correction, args.regularization, args.iterations, args.registration_resolution )