# local imports
from .util import imgResample, tqdm_joblib, get_bias_field
import argparse
from tqdm import tqdm
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
from cloudvolume import CloudVolume
import tinybrain
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count
from psutil import virtual_memory
import math
[docs]def process_slice(bias_slice, z, data_orig_path, data_bc_path):
"""Correct and upload a single slice of data
bias_slice (sitk.Image): Slice of illumination correction
z (int): Z slice of data to apply correction to
data_orig_path (str): S3 path to source data that needs to be corrected
data_bc_path (str): S3 path where corrected data will be stored
data_vol = CloudVolume(
data_orig_path, parallel=False, progress=False, fill_missing=True
data_vol_bc = CloudVolume(
data_bc_path, parallel=False, progress=False, fill_missing=True
data_vols_bc = [
CloudVolume(data_bc_path, mip=i, parallel=False)
for i in range(len(data_vol_bc.scales))
# convert spcing rom nm to um
new_spacing = np.array(data_vol.scales[0]["resolution"][:2]) / 1000
bias_upsampled_sitk = imgResample(
bias_slice, new_spacing, size=data_vol.scales[0]["size"][:2]
bias_upsampled = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(bias_upsampled_sitk)
data_native = np.squeeze(data_vol[:, :, z]).T
data_corrected = data_native * bias_upsampled
img_pyramid = tinybrain.downsample_with_averaging(
data_corrected.T[:, :, None],
factor=(2, 2, 1),
num_mips=len(data_vol_bc.scales) - 1,
data_vol_bc[:, :, z] = data_corrected.T.astype("uint16")[:, :, None]
for i in range(len(data_vols_bc) - 1):
data_vols_bc[i + 1][:, :, z] = img_pyramid[i].astype("uint16")
[docs]def correct_stitched_data(data_s3_path, out_s3_path, resolution=15, num_procs=12):
"""Correct illumination inhomogeneity in stitched precomputed data on S3 and upload result back to S3 as precomputed
data_s3_path (str): S3 path to precomputed volume that needs to be illumination corrected
out_s3_path (str): S3 path to store corrected precomputed volume
resolution (int, optional): Resolution in microns at which illumination correction is computed. Defaults to 15.
num_procs (int, optional): Number of proceses to use when uploading data to S3. Defaults to 12.
# create vol
vol = CloudVolume(data_s3_path)
mip = 0
for i in range(len(vol.scales)):
if vol.scales[i]["resolution"][0] <= resolution * 1000:
mip = i
vol_ds = CloudVolume(
data_s3_path, mip, parallel=False, fill_missing=True, progress=True
# make sure num procs isn't too large for amount of memory needed
mem = virtual_memory()
num_processes = min(
/ (
# multiply by bytes per voxel (uint16 = 2 bytes)
* 2
# fudge factor
# need 2 copies of full res image, 1 full res bias, 1 full res corrected image, and image downsampled at 6 resolutions
* 2 ** 7
num_procs = num_processes
print(f"using {num_procs} processes for bias correction")
# create new vol if it doesnt exist
vol_bc = CloudVolume(out_s3_path, info=vol.info.copy())
# download image at low res
data = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(vol_ds[:, :, :]).T)
data.SetSpacing(np.array(vol_ds.scales[mip]["resolution"]) / 1000)
bias = get_bias_field(data, scale=0.125)
bias_slices = [bias[:, :, i] for i in range(bias.GetSize()[-1])]
with tqdm_joblib(
tqdm(desc=f"Uploading bias corrected data...", total=len(bias_slices))
) as progress_bar:
Parallel(num_procs, timeout=3600, verbose=10)(
delayed(process_slice)(bias_slice, z, data_s3_path, out_s3_path)
for z, bias_slice in enumerate(bias_slices)
print("timed out on bias correcting slice. moving to next step.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"Correct whole brain bias field in image at native resolution."
help="full s3 path to data of interest as precomputed volume. must be of the form `s3://bucket-name/path/to/channel`",
parser.add_argument("out_s3_path", help="S3 path to save output results")
"--num_procs", help="number of processes to use", default=15, type=int
help="max resolution for computing bias correction in microns",
args = parser.parse_args()
args.data_s3_path, args.out_s3_path, args.resolution, args.num_procs